January 25, 2010

And unfinished project... now finished!

It is unlike me to not finish something properly... Almost 2 years ago a dear friend gave me some pom pom yarns because she thought they were cute and since I could knit, she thought I could make something out of them. So I started but I found them very hard to knit with, I lost interest quickly so it got left sitting in the corner of my room... I was doing some tidying up this weekend and found my unfinished project. After staring at it for a good hour, procrastinating for a while long, I decided to be brave and finish it. I sat down and while watching Gray's Anatomy last night, I went on knitting and knitting and decreasing and knitting and decreasing... Before I knew it, the shape of a dog jacket began to take place and by the end of 2 episodes of Gray's Anatomy, I finished! Here is the finished product.

Sally looks comfy in her jacket as it is cool inside but I took it off her as soon as I finished with the photos - it is very warm in Sydney today!

Until next time, take care and blog soon!

1 comment :

  1. Haha, it's a dog cape!! Great work, very cute!! :) Looks great on Sally
