February 26, 2012

Guardians of my scrap yarns!

Aren't these just the cutest things??

I first saw a pair of these chopsticks at a local Chinese restaurant. We were dining with a friend and his two little children (C & J). The young waitress at the restaurant offered C a pair to eat with and being a "worldly" 8 year old, she exclaimed how much she loved them and what a wonderful idea they were (as if she has spent all her life looking for a good pair of chopsticks). She asked the lovely waitress if she could keep them and she awkwardly said "hmm, ah, no sorry..." They didn't teach them how to handle 8 year olds at waitressing school, I can tell you. The poor thing, I quickly told C that they belong to the restaurant but I would find out where they came from.

Of course I had promptly forgotten all about it...

Fast forward a month, I saw a pair of white ones at a funky designer store in the city two days ago. So I purchased them, afterall, they were only a few dollars and I did promise someone I would look for them. THEN, at one of those temporary stores in the middle of the shopping centre I went to for groceries, there they are, in all sort of colours and designs... I was instantly drawn to them. They were situated right in front of the supermarket, and the vibrant colours were a huge draw card. They were also half the price as the funky designer store in the city. I couldn't help myself and picked up a bunch in different colours. They look way too cute for eating and I am also not an 8 year old so I will be gifting most of these, eventually... (me thinks it is a nice little pressie for Easter) in the meantime, they are the guardians of my scrap yarns!

I did some research this morning and I believe they are called Funstix or the manufacturer is called Funstix. I haven't worked out who designed these but they very cute. 

PS - I also bought the container from the same store. Apparently it wasn't for sale, it was just used to store the funstix for display but I must have looked like a desperate woman, kept commenting on how it would be perfect for my craft room, the store attendant rang her boss and told it to me for a discount (I am sure they made profit from it but it's exactly what I have been looking for!). 

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